Monday, November 17, 2014

How do I become spiritual?

My best response can be found in the Deepak and Oprah 21 Day Meditation Challenge November 2014 - day 14:

Hello everyone, here we are.  The end of week 2, already and may I say again, how honored Deepak and I are to have you all share in this meditation experience with us.  And I hope you feel it too, as we gather this tribe of seekers and meditators from around the world.  We continue our journey with day 14- Spiritual Manifestation.  .
So how do you know when you’re in the flow of spiritual manifestation?  Your desires arise from your core self, from a place of pure awakened consciousness, that’s how.  When you’re manifesting from your true self you’re deeply connected to what your soul came here to do.  Rather than your desires creating an outcome of constantly doing and getting more and more and more; your desires are in search of being and becoming  more.  And there’s a sense of contentment, of joy, of harmony and love that abides in everything that you do.   These outcomes are exactly what the universe is waiting to have us all manifest.  What an extraordinary gift you give yourself and to the world when you allow your deepest, truest most cherished desires to come alive and flow from you and to you and be realized.  This is what spiritual manifestation is all about. 
So today we are going to open our heart to everything that’s possible.  Wow, that’s a big opening.  As Deepak guides us into our meditation.
Congratulations on completing week 2 of our meditation experience.  This marks an important milestone.  Everyone wants to attract better things into their lives but now you’ve gone deeply into the art of desire and you know what the mechanics of manifestation truly are.  This knowledge can benefit you for the rest of your life.  The culmination of week 2 is to manifest your spiritual desires.  These include the desire for inner peace.  Direct experience of the soul and connecting with God or however you conceive of the divine.  There’s a false belief that the soul is separate from the body and that desire is there for low while spirit is high.  This separation is manmade.  As far as your true self is concerned, fulfilling your most cherished desires is totally spiritual.  In fact, this is what the spiritual path is all about.  As you reflect on what you want to manifest in your life, think of what you hope to feel when you achieve it.  If you know you’ll feel loving, kind contented peaceful nourished and safe.  Your desire has its roots in spirit because these are qualities of your true self silently awaiting to manifest.  As your consciousness awakens, the qualities of your true self awaken too.  Waking up simply means becoming more self-aware.  It is finding out who you really are.  The process is natural rather than mystical.  Open to everyone, not just saints and sages.  When you awaken by practicing meditation you’re on the path for fulfilling spiritual longing, love bliss and freedom.  Learning to live from this level of pure awareness, is known is Sanskrit as Sithi.  The word may be ancient but the goal is timeless.  It exists for you, here and now.  Encountering your soul happens without effort because your soul is just as eager to connect with you.  As we prepare to meditate together let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought:  
Fulfilling My Dreams/Fulfills My Spirit
Now let’s prepare for our meditation.    Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.   Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Now gently introduce the mantra;
Shreem Namah
This mantra helps to manifest abundance, that brings us closer to spiritual fulfilment.  As you repeat the mantra, feel the integration of material and spiritual abundance in your consciousness.  Repeat it silently to yourself, Shreem Namah.  With each repetition feel your body mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts noises of physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra; Shreem Namah, Shreem Namah.  Please continue with your meditation, I’ll mind the time and when it’s time to end you’ll hear me ring a soft bell.  Shreem Namah, Shreem Namah, Shreem Namah.  Just mentally….Shreem Namah, Shreem Namah, Shreem Namah.

“All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love.” ― Morihei Ueshiba