When my patients come to me for lifestyle change, they usually don't bring family members in. I love the process of creating steps to change but only assume everyone at home will be participating/supporting the steps. No two plans are the same, everyone has different likes, educational levels, adverse memories, food 't intolerance's, stressors or previous attempts. The one things I can't fathom is how the spouse and kids will react to the changes that are usually restrictive.
No question that if a parent is making a change the likelihood of the child having the same medical problem is high. Whether it is expressing itself now or later doesn't matter, disease always leads to a bad outcome. To make a major shift in bad habits, craving control or trigger avoidance will take a lot of energy and may lead to some emotional "PMS-ing" even if you are a guy! If your family and coworkers are unaware of your journey, relationships can be destroyed. If they understand, they too may be inspired to drop a habit.
Counseling should be a requirement for the journey since unhealthy coping skills have been adopted to get you to poor health. Excuses are abundant as to why the weight is high, cholesterol is in bold print, and kids tease you about body parts that belong in the zoo. As tight as we hold onto and defend our reasons for ill health, it will be the ultimate "stress response" to let them go. Think of an addict going through the shakes, irritability, hallucinations, vomiting and headache......and that is just from caffeine! If you are trying to let go of your "comfort food", your nightcap, your morning wake up, or any high risk behavior.....getting everyone to lend a hand would increase success. Family should always be for you unconditionally but just in case, the behavioral health profession is very good at listening and making suggestions that have worked for your predecessors.
Home should be sanctuary as it encompasses 1/3 of your life. During the worst times of your life, there should be a place to retreat away from stressors (work, traffic, cable TV, food industry). If you can't harness the support of family, they should be the ones being counseled. A happier/healthier you will exude positive energy, problem solving, creativity and love.....the law of attraction will bring positive results to those around you. (The House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand )